Your money and what to take into account.
These terms govern the use of this website. Please read them carefully. 通过访问本网站或其任何页面,您同意受这些使用条款的约束.
本行设立本网站的唯一目的是提供有关本行产品及服务的信息,并供本行与客户沟通之用. Information that appears on this website should be considered an advertisement. 本网站上任何页面所载内容均不取代银行管理其产品和服务的协议和披露. 如果网站上的任何信息与银行协议和披露的信息相冲突, the agreements and disclosures will control.
From time to time the Bank may place links to other websites on this page. 本行对任何其他网站没有控制权,亦不对除本网站以外的任何网站的内容负责. 当用户通过本页上的链接进入其他网站时,用户承担所有责任.
本网站所载的资料及资料为本行或其他人士所有, 是适用的. No material may be copied, 显示, 传播, 分布式, 框架, 出售, 贮存以备使用, 下载, or otherwise reproduced except as permitted by law.
本行对本网站上所刊登的产品及服务不作任何保证. The Bank will use reasonable efforts to ensure that all information 显示 is accurate; however, the Bank expressly disclaims any representation and warranty, express and implied, 包括, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, 适用性, and the ability to use the site without 合同ing a computer virus. The Bank is not responsible for any loss, 损害, 费用, or penalty (either in tort, 合同, 或其他), 包括 direct, 间接, consequential and incidental 损害s, that result from the access of or use of this site. This limitation includes, but is not limited to the omission of information, the failure of equipment, the delay or inability to receive or transmit information, the delay or inability to print information, the transmission of any computer virus, or the transmission of any other malicious or disabling code or procedure. 即使银行已被告知可能发生此类损失或损害,上述限制也适用.
本协议可不时通过在网站上发布新的使用条款进行更改. 所有用户同意受本协议不时变更的约束.
本协议及对本网站的使用受田纳西州法律管辖. 有关我们的帐户协议条款和条件的信息,请下载并阅读我们的 Account Disclosures (Electronic PDF Document).
Schedule of Fees
世界赌博十大网站 Schedule of Fees – CONSUMER >
Overdraft Services
Automatic Draft* links another 世界赌博十大网站 account to your checking account, and transfers funds to cover all types of overdrafts; ATM
Line of Credit** transfers from a line of credit to cover all types of overdrafts; ATM 取款,一次性借记卡交易,支票和账单支付交易.
*如果扫描转账与另一个消费者支票账户相关联,而该账户没有足够的资金来支付扫描费用, a partial sweep will not occur and an overdraft may occur, resulting in a $35 Overdraft Charge.
**Subject to credit approval. 18岁以下的个人没有资格获得支票账户的信用额度或透支特权. Overdrafts are paid at our discretion, 这意味着我们不能保证我们总是授权和支付透支. 第一银行不会支付ATM或日常借记卡交易的透支,除非您选择支付这些透支.
Not available on all account types. 每日最多可评定透支/资金不足费用三次.
Overdrafts and Overdraft Fees >
Learn More 十大正规网投信誉平台 Overdraft Services >
美国爱国者法案第326条要求所有金融机构获得, 验证, 并记录识别每个为受保护的法律实体开立账户的人的信息. 《世界赌博十大网站》(Bank Secrecy Act)下的新规定将有助于政府打击逃避旨在打击恐怖主义和其他国家安全威胁的金融措施的犯罪行为.
Each time an account is opened for a covered Legal Entity, we are required to ask you for identifying information (name, address, 出生日期, social security number and identification documents) for:
Each individual that has beneficial ownership (25% or more) in the Legal Entity; and, 对法人实体负有重大管理责任的个人.
Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA)/监管GG
The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA), signed into law in 2006 (mandatory effective date of June 1, 2010, 禁止任何从事赌博或投注业务的人(如该法案所定义)在知情的情况下接受与另一人参与非法互联网赌博有关的付款. 财政部和联邦储备委员会发布了一项联合最终规定, 监管GG, to implement this Act. As defined in 监管GG, unlawful Internet gambling means to “place, 接受或以其他方式明知地通过任何涉及使用的方式传送赌注或赌注, at least in part, 根据发起投注或投注的任何适用的联邦或州法律,该投注或投注是非法的, received or otherwise made”.
如果您的帐户被视为商业帐户,则禁止通过您的帐户或与我们的银行关系进行限制性交易. 商业帐户被定义为非消费者客户的任何帐户. Restricted transactions generally include, but are not limited to, those in which credit, electronic fund transfers, 赌博业者明知他人参与非法网上赌博而接受支票或汇票. 银行必须阻止非法网络赌博、借记卡和信用卡交易.
我们的新刷卡智能支票支付方式就像借记卡一样,没有透支费带来的刺痛. Open Swipe Smart, and get a grasp on your spending.