Replacing the world’s most widely used interest rate benchmark and how it impacts you.
世界赌博十大网站, along with the entire financial industry, 目前是否正在远离过去30年来最常用的全球利率基准. The London Inter-Bank Offered Rate, more commonly known as LIBOR, 在12月31日之后将不再作为新申请的参考利率, 2021.
银行一直依赖LIBOR来决定向包括商业贷款在内的产品的借款人收取的利率, small business loans, adjustable rate 抵押贷款, 信用卡, and many others. 市场尚未就最终接替LIBOR决定利率的基准利率达成共识, but some of the leading contenders can be viewed in the FAQ section below. 世界赌博十大网站 will be reaching out to customers impacted by the LIBOR transition, and no action is required by our customers at this time.
第一银行将继续监测市场发展,并将提供有关LIBOR过渡的更多信息. 这一转变将影响所有以LIBOR为参考的贷款、租赁、合同和掉期. 有关第一银行LIBOR调整的更多细节,请参阅以下常见问题解答,如有任何问题或疑虑,请联系您的第一银行客户经理.
本页所提供的资料仅属一般性质,并不拟构成亦不构成第一银行对任何投资的提供, 法律, 税, or accounting advice. Opinions and disclosures expressed herein are subject to change without notice. While the information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed reliable, such information is not guaranteed as to its accuracy. You are encouraged to obtain independent, professional advice from your advisors, 会计师, and attorneys on the matters set forth herein.
LIBOR Benchmark Transition FAQs
伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(LIBOR)是一种基准利率,代表银行在指定期限内以无担保方式向其他银行提供贷款的利率. 伦敦银行同业拆借利率(LIBOR)每天以五种货币、七种不同期限计算并公布, from overnight to 12-months, using submissions from 16 panel banks. Since the 1980s, when formalized publication of the index began, 它一直是金融机构确定短期利率和可变利率产品(如信用卡)的普遍选择, 抵押贷款, commercial loans, and derivatives. 截至2021年5月,约有200万亿美元的未偿合约与美元LIBOR挂钩.
新的监管规定和银行融资方式的变化导致LIBOR计算的基础交易减少. 由于可供参考的实际交易数量有限,计算在很大程度上依赖于LIBOR小组银行的“专家判断”, which leaves the rate prone to manipulation.
伦敦银行同业拆借利率的潜在交易量不足,以及由此导致的无法确保真实的市场代表性,导致监管机构决定金融业不应再参考该利率. 另类参考利率委员会(ARRC)由美联储于2014年创建,旨在确定美元LIBOR的可靠替代品,并支持向新指数的过渡. In 2017, the Financial Conduct Authority, which regulates LIBOR, announced that it would not compel panel banks to submit to LIBOR past 2021. With this announcement, 金融机构在制定向新基准利率过渡计划的时间表时,可以参考LIBOR公布的截止日期.
There are multiple potential replacements, 但最受市场关注的是有担保的隔夜融资利率(SOFR)。, U.S. 优惠利率,彭博短期银行收益率指数,ICE银行收益率指数和AMERIBOR. 自2017年以来, the ARRC has been recommending SOFR as its preferred alternative, 尽管不能保证在所有情况下广泛采用SOFR作为LIBOR的替代品,而且进展缓慢.
Instead of using a single alternative for all LIBOR production, 机构可以根据产品的类型和借款人的需要使用上述选择的组合.
2021年12月31日之后,美元LIBOR的1周和2个月期限将停止公布. 在6月30日之前,将继续每天计算和发布剩余的次元, 2023, though regulators have established a cutoff date of December 31, 2021 for any new production referencing any LIBOR tenor.
2023年6月30日或之前到期的参考LIBOR的合约将不受影响. Contracts that reference LIBOR and mature after June 30, 2023, will be assigned a new benchmark interest rate. 第一银行正在考虑所有可能的LIBOR替代方案,并将与受影响的客户合作,确保新的基准与公认的市场惯例保持一致,并与LIBOR指数利率基本相当.
世行成立了LIBOR过渡期工作组,由受过渡期影响的各部门的关键成员组成. 该小组正在努力解决所有潜在风险,以确保客户和世行顺利、透明地过渡,并尽量减少任何潜在的中断.
该集团还在积极监测所有可能的LIBOR替代方案的发展,并对每种替代方案进行分析,以确定最适合我们客户和本行的方案. 我们将与我们的客户一起工作,沟通更新,因为他们是可用的.
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